Interactive Workshops

Virtual Zoom meeting; Sydney time Australia (AEST)

Wednesday November 15 at 7.00pm Sydney-Canberra EST on Zoom

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Syntonic applications Autonomic Nervous System and Syntonics Cases

The Australian College of Syntonics will run an interactive workshop on Syntonics and its role with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Using Zoom, Simon Grbevski will chair a workshop to lead an advanced understanding of Syntonic Phototherapy and how to manage your patient with Autism including the involvement of sympathetic/parasympathetic imbalance. The workshop is designed to be participatory and will last approximately 90 minutes. This will not be recorded for attendees. This study group is only available to current members of Australian College of Syntonics (ACS) and The College of Syntonic Optometry (USA) CSO. This study workshop will be FREE to current members of the Australian College of Syntonics (ACS) and will have a charge of AUD$25 per person to current financial CSO members. Participants need to submit relevant cases at least three days before the conference, for Simon to review your findings and prepare a guide for the attendees with further discussion at the meeting. This needs to be sent to:

A butterfly sitting on top of a colorful plant.